Designing new life for buildings to shape our New Heritage.


Our Services

We give life to spaces through design and construction processes, from advisory to completion depending on project needs.

  • Advisory


Researching and recording stories of places is how many New Heritage projects begin. We assess site and heritage significance and identify any regulatory constraints and development opportunities.

Our team develop Conservation Plans, Heritage Reports, and Conservation Management Plans. 

We provide design and development advice for anyone planning to build new or planning to adapt a building to another use.

  • Design


As architecture practitioners and designers we are focused on making the best possible buildings for our clients, whether it be adapting old buildings to new purposes whilst conserving or restoring them, or building new.

We are able to provide architectural concepts and designs, colour assessments, and complete project documentation services for new and old buildings.

  • Construction


New builds and heritage projects require assembly of highly skilled consultant and construction teams to ensure the project vision is realised.

New Heritage provides advice on construction contractors, specialist sub-contractors and suppliers and can manage the entire project from conception to completion. 



“The Architect has taken a well-reasoned approach to research and has paid close attention to historical detail in this skillfully executed project. The result is a work with an excellent contextual fit and which communicates a rich sense of time and place”

— NZIA Local Architecture Award Jury



“Careful colour selection has resulted in a completely appropriate total composition, providing both an element of discrete inclusion, yet with enough individual identity within the George Street context.”

— NZIA Branch Award Jury